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Instagram, Yoga & I

Lately it has become very difficult for me to write just about āsana on a regular basis for social media (specifically talking about Instagram). For the last years I have been feeling a call to give something else, to create a change that transcends the beautiful shapes captured through the magical eye of my beloved husband of me practicing asana. We are both trying to say something through the pictures, we both have a deep desire to send a message, but sometimes the asana becomes limiting to transmitting a message.

I truly enjoy practicing asana and recognize the great value it has as a medicine for me. But I also acknowledge how much additional work I do besides asana in my life. The power that rituals have in my life is unsurpassed, those rituals are comprehended with practices of mudras, working with crystals, mantra chanting, pranayama, manifesting affirmations, and of course, the most important though uncomfortable part: inner exploration through questions that take me out of my comfort zone and make me more conscious about what I feel, I believe and I want, and how can all of it be honestly expressed and synchronized for the benefit of all beings around me.

Asana, becomes part of a toolbox, and helps me to move the energy in the dense body, and combined with the breath, helps me to keep the outer crystal shinny and clear, so the endeavor of seeing inside becomes doable.

So, when I post a yoga posture, I see engagement, I see people reading and interacting, taking it to their lives and sharing their own experiences. This doesn’t happen when I post words, a flower or a mountain.

Yoga as I have learnt it from my teachers, as I have experience it from my own life and practice, is so much more than the postural practice, or even becoming less pragmatic or attached to what is or is not, I could say yoga has so much more to offer than just the physical practice. The dimension of transformation and healing one can get from this journey, transcends our rational understanding.

So every time I decide to make a post, I get to this crossroad, of using a beautiful asana picture and get to more people, or to just find another way to share what I want to communicate.

I get it, my husband always reminds me that IG is visual platform and people just wants to see beautiful pictures. But I also know there are some seekers like you who are reading these words, who are actually interested in reading and touching what is underneath the surface, that is the audience with which I want to engage.

I would like to know, besides the biomechanic alignment of a posture, what are you interested in? What would you like to see and read?

Looking forward to hearing your feedback.

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