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What is a Nomad Soul?

One thing that I appreciate in life is a good conversation. There are some people in my life that act as a mirror for me, and just by asking the right questions I get to see what I was seeing blurry before. 

Last week I was talking with a very good friend about how interesting and intriguing I find the fact that during the most recent years of my life I had experienced a lot of situations where I have been challenged to work on detachment from a very deep level. I really appreciate every situation I have lived, and specially how much I have learned from those experiences, how profound we can dig in our layers and how many unknown wounds and patterns we can find if we keep diving inside.

(Photo by Brian Wcislo)

So, my friend asked me: "what does it mean for you being Nomad?", to which I answered: "I believe being Nomad is about not having a fixed address, about wandering the world without having a settle place to live and actually belong to everywhere. Being nomad means to travel from one place to the other without actually creating roots." From this point everything became clear as crystal. I set the intention of living a Nomad life some years ago, and so I have had to learn to create affective connections and then let them go, experiencing wonderful gifts and then allowing them to leave, to dissolve. This time has not been the exception. The last months I have spent in U.S. I was learning to embrace the project of owning and directing a studio with my partner, which was not exactly something I wanted to do basically because I owned a studio some years before in Costa Rica and I knew it was something that could pull me into a completely different direction from the one I wanted to go, or I believed I should go. I ended up not only accepting it, but embracing it, and even attaching to it. I started to feel that finally it was our project, something that I wanted us to make it grow together. Of course, what happened is that in the moment I embraced it, I had to leave it, at least temporarily. Due to immigration policies I had to leave U.S. and will have to wait some months to come back till the situation is resolved. I dealt with many emotions while learning to accept the change one more time. 

Now, after this revealing conversation, I remembered that I am the creator, that I am not a victim of anything and it is me who chose to live a nomadic life. Now, sitting surrounded by trees and the music of the waterfall and the birds in this peace of paradise I can acknowledge my freedom to create and redirect my life. Here and now I decrete a new meaning for "Nomad Soul": Nomad means that I am free to decide, that I can always chose to change whatever I want to transform, that I can settle and still keep traveling the world with the love of my life, while we build and live our love and dreams. 

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