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Nurture Your Nomad Soul

(Lee en Español aquí)

One month ago we were enjoying our Retreat of Love & Gratitude.

I organized my first two Yoga retreats in 2014 and a little after that I started to travel the world. At the end of my first year of traveling I organized one more retreat, in India, with some students from Costa Rica. After that experience I decided to postpone the retreats for some time and to dedicate to the experience of traveling, learning, studying with amazing teachers, and of course, sharing what I was learning in workshops and special classes I was teaching in different countries of the world. But something had changed in me, traveling alone and experiencing so many different cultures opened a door from which there was no return once I crossed it. The world stopped being what I learned in school, it became unlimited, and I wanted others to be able to see it too.

There came a time in which I felt like starting to organize retreats around the world, but something was stopping me. For some reason I was not able to understand why, every time I was thinking about the planing there was a feeling of anxiety and stress that made me not want to move forward.

Right now I can see that my resistance was rooted in the fear, in a place of lackness. I had forgotten how important it was to trust in our intentions, and when we loose the trust in our own purposes, they get weak and their power vanishes.

Last year I decided to trust again, to believe. The process started when I decided to surrender to the adventure of love, of living a real partner relationship. After getting together with the love of my life, partner in adventures and projects, love and business, we decided to join our intention of re-learning to trust and jump into the unknown without fear. Because something was clear: the known (the machine of the system) was not the place were we wanted to be. This is how we built this Retreat of Love & Gratitude, in one the most magical places I have ever been, The Sanctuary at Two Rivers: an eco-sustainable retreat center, built in the middle of the jungle, surrounded by two rivers, waterfalls, close to the quietness of Cabuya beach, and in all senses, a holistic Sanctuary to Nature.

During the time we were planing the retreat we lived some moments of uncertainty, but we always supported each other reminding ourselves about how important it was to believe in what we do. And that’s how it happened: we intentioned it, we created it and we trusted. The result was a powerful retreat from which we all not only enjoyed fully but also learnt about the real essence of love: The love towards our own selves.

We created a retreat to help us and everyone who joined us to remember that love and gratitude are an internal experience, and that when we base them on what others give us, in the idea of how we are perceived, accepted or approved by others, we end up in a spiral of insecurities that takes us far from our primary and vital purpose: HAPPINESS.

Today we can see how all the work we have done together, our students and ourselves as facilitators and organizers, have been reflected in the way we feel: confident in ourselves again, looking in the mirror with love, open to change and to learn, and with wandering hearts ready to explore new truths and adventures.

That is how our new project is born: WE NOMAD SOULS, a movement to connect with souls that are ready to fly and explore the world, with whom we can share our experience of Yoga, of Self-Reflection, consciousness of the body, mind and emotions, with whom we can expand our passion for learning.

We want you to join us, you who want to connect with your freedom, you who is questioning what has been taught about life, you who want to build your own truth about happiness. We want this to be a journey of union and expansion, so we can share the beauty that resides in the differences, in other cultures and traditions, together with an integrative experience of Yoga, allowing all of it to become a door to open the eyes of the soul, of our Nomad Soul.

Do you want to journey with us? Our next destiny is in September at the Magical Island of Mykonos, Greece!

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